Cotton Specialists Corner

Episode 45: Potassium (K) Management in Cotton

June 17, 2024 Extension Cotton Specialists
Episode 45: Potassium (K) Management in Cotton
Cotton Specialists Corner
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Cotton Specialists Corner
Episode 45: Potassium (K) Management in Cotton
Jun 17, 2024
Extension Cotton Specialists

Soil Scientists / Fertility Experts Drs. Hunter Frame (Virginia Tech), Glen Harris (University of Georgia), Audrey Gamble (Auburn University) and Katie Lewis (Texas A&M) join host Steve Brown of Auburn to discuss the challenges associated with K management in cotton. Sometimes, particularly in the the Lower Southeast, we can fertilize appropriately and still encounter K deficiencies, presumably because pre-bloom heat/moisture stresses limit K uptake; then during boll-fill, K demand from leaf and stem tissues can quickly  deplete plant reserves. The results can be premature defoliation, secondary fungal leaf diseases such as Stemphylium and reduced yields.

Show Notes

Soil Scientists / Fertility Experts Drs. Hunter Frame (Virginia Tech), Glen Harris (University of Georgia), Audrey Gamble (Auburn University) and Katie Lewis (Texas A&M) join host Steve Brown of Auburn to discuss the challenges associated with K management in cotton. Sometimes, particularly in the the Lower Southeast, we can fertilize appropriately and still encounter K deficiencies, presumably because pre-bloom heat/moisture stresses limit K uptake; then during boll-fill, K demand from leaf and stem tissues can quickly  deplete plant reserves. The results can be premature defoliation, secondary fungal leaf diseases such as Stemphylium and reduced yields.